Erik Rörsch
contact information:
Erik Rörsch, Minicitiist - Korenbloemlaan 48 - 2343 VE Oegstgeest - The Netherlands
Tel mobile: + 31 6 24 24 22 24 whatsapp: +31 6 24 891 6414 skype:minicitiist
E-mail: or
Please download our company brochure here
Latest news from Latvia;
Erik Rörsch received a reward from Aiaintis, the cooperation of 23 Greek cities.
See: Youtube-Aiantis
Brochures of projects designed:
Gunung Geulis Resort Ciawi, a small part of the presentation |

Proposals made for a special project in Singapore, initiative of the Singapore Cable way
Sketches made for a client in Malaysia.
Project plans for a great CityPark in Wenzhou-China, designs: C.K.
Models made for many different miniature cities and museums!
Models made for Swissminiatur.
Models made for several French miniature cities and museums
Older company brochure of Christiaan kruis
Project, special, by Michel Dubois.
Minaituur Appelscha during construction